Here is a list of all episodes released so far to date
- My testimony of walking the Camino de Santiago
- 104 The Hero’s Journey through The Lion King
- 103: The book of Revelation (part 2): The Ultimate Finale
- 102 The Book of Revelation: how myth unveils reality
- 101 Twister(s) & the healing from trauma
- 100 A special interview with the host!
- 99 Harry Potter & the 4 Cardinal Virtues
- 98 Our call to be Priest, Prophet and King (Lord of the Rings)
- 97 Genesis revisted: how it’ll save our civilisation
- 96 Our Lady of Fatima’s extraordinary relevance
- 95 Our Lady of Guadalupe’s mythical significance
- 94 Christ figures in ancient mythology: Prometheus
- 93 Strategies of Temptation (The Screwtape Letters)
- Easter episode: The Queen’s Last Dream (original story)
- 91 Rogue One, Christian Sacrifice & Eternity
- 90 Aragorn & the Four Cardinal Virtues
- 89 Tangled, Rapunzel and seeing the Light
- 88 The Neverending Story’s Neverending Wisdom
- 87 Glow: A Christmas story (by Angela Uybaretta MGL)
- 86 The Last Samurai: On Discipline & Building Habits
- 85 Annie: celebrating the family vocation (ft. Karen Luzan)
- 84 Dante’s journey into Heaven through Hell
- 83 An original story about The Dark Night of the Soul
- 82 The Karate Kid: recovering Warrior, King & Sage for our men
- 81 Narnia: Remembering, and how it saves our souls
- 80 Snow White: On Jealousy & Freedom from it
- 79 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Meaning: on Order & Chaos
- 78 Titanic: On Hubris & the Eternal Love Story
- 77 Why nothing is bigger than Ben Hur
- 76 Braveheart: Love, Death & the Masculine Soul (ft. Br James Price MGL)
- 75 Shrek: The Parody that became a Classic
- 74 Legend of Zelda: Heroism & our Spiritual Yearning
- 73 The Hunger Games: On Ritual Sacrifice & Jesus
- 72 Sleeping Beauty & the Slumber of Sin (ft. Sr Rosie Drum)
- Original Easter story: The Legend of the Everspring Tree
- 70 Chess & the spiritual life
- 69 Salvific Death & Resurrection in Harry Potter
- 68 Catholicism, Art & why “Beauty will save the World”
- 67 A study of Angels, Fallen Angels & Fairytale
- 66 Gladiator’s Mythical & Spiritual Significance
- 65 Christmas special: the story behind ‘O Holy Night’
- 64 Interstellar: On Science and the Eternal Love Story
- 63 Lord of the Rings: The weapons of humour and innocence (ft. Danny Cote Davis)
- 62 Inside Out: on Emotions & Holiness
- 61 The Trials that made C.S. Lewis
- 60 Chinese Philosophy & Holiness #3: Fable of Farmer’s Horse
- 59 Moby Dick’s Timeless Significance
- 58 Frodo and three Saints who Epic Fail
- 57 The Desert Heart – An Original Story
- 56 Pixar’s Up: On Grief and Broken Dreams
- 55 C.S. Lewis, Lust and the whispering Lizard (The Great Divorce)
- Special: How Christianity shaped (& saves) Western Civilisation
- 53 Rey Skywalker & the Biblical Call Narrative
- 52 Cinderella: Politically incorrect or spiritual genius?
- 51 How Narnia depicts The Last Judgement
- 50 Freedom from Shame: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- 49 Captain America & Heroic Virtue (ft. Fr James Baptist)
- 48 Encanto’s spiritual significance #2: Baptism in the Spirit
- 47 Easter Triduum special – The Tale of the Three Trees
- 46 Chinese Philosophy & Holiness #2: Shang Chi
- 45 On War, Tragedy and Tolkien’s journey through it
- 44 Encanto’s spiritual significance (ft. guest Bernadette Toohey MGL)
- 43 The Matrix and Christianity
- 42 The Quest for the Holy Grail
- 41 The real story of St Nicholas (aka Santa Claus)
- 40 Mercy & Redemption in Les Misérables
- 39 Are ‘Happily Ever After’ endings naive?
- 38 How to Train your Dragon and Mastering your Greatest Fear
- 37 Robin Hood & the Christ figure we’ve lost
- 36 Pinocchio & how conscience is misunderstood today
- 35: Legendary Weapons and the humble Rosary
- 34: Hobbits & entering the Greater Story
- 33 Why I love The Sound of Music! (& why it’s timeless)
- 32 Chinese Philosophy & Holiness (Kung Fu Panda)
- 31 Frozen: Elsa’s Journey & the Journey of Vocation
- 30 Harry Potter and the neglected Beatitudes
- 29 St Therese’s Little Way through Little Women
- 28 The means to die & rise again: Batman Dark Knight trilogy
- 27 JRR Tolkien – Author, Prophet & Mystic (with guest Danny Cote Davis)
- 26: Aladdin’s theology for those feeling trapped
- 25 My Holy Spirit testimony: Treasure in the Desert (Pentecost episode!)
- 23 Mulan & St Catherine of Siena
- 22 The Glorious Death in the Lord of the Rings
- 21 The Lonely Little Cave – An Easter Triduum story
- 20 How does The Secret Garden image the soul?
- 19 How Mufasa reveals the Father’s ferocious love
- 18 How Jedi Masters teach us Detachment
- 17 On the Harry Potter debate: A Catholic perspective today
- 16 Pocahontas & Living by the Holy Spirit
- 15: Mary in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
- 14: How Aslan teaches Fear of the Lord
- 13 New Horizon’s: Moana’s Communion of Saints
- 12 Recognising Sauron’s Ring in our lives
- 11 Temptation: What Anakin could’ve learnt from St Ignatius
- 10 Entering Narnia with Plato & St Therese of Lisieux
- 09 The Ugly Duckling & the healing of shame (with Fr Dave Tremble)
- 08 How The Lion King reveals Identity and Vocation
- 07 Yoda & the wisdom of the wilderness (Star Wars theme #2)
- 06 Hobbits and the Spiritual Value of Rest (Lord of the Rings theme #2)
- 05 The Little Mermaid and Old Testament Tragedy